• The Blog

    Dominic Bowie

    Ideas That Will Make Your Home Business Work For You Receiving some terrific guidance will certainly assist you when you're ready to open up a home business, however you ought to constantly be really mindful about exactly what kind of company you're attempting to open. Not every chance out...
    When It Pertains To Purchasing An Automobile, These Ideas Are Ideal Have you ever wished to turn the tables on the dealership when you're shopping an automobile. Perhaps you're so stressed because you do not have the ideal knowledge to turn things on them and provide yourself the best deal....
    How To Make Your Home Based Business Dreams Become A Reality Starting a home business can be an exciting and profitable venture for any individual with the time to dedicate to learning the techniques to utilize to make it a success. There are several tips to utilize to make the most of your...
  • Who We Are

    Hoosier Magnetics is committed to becoming the market driven world leader in the development, production, and marketing of raw materials for the permanent magnet industry. The company will earn the trust of its customers through innovation, quality and service; and expects customer relationships to be of long-term nature. The company is committed to the continual improvement of the global marketplace for permanent magnets.

    Hoosier Magnetics is the largest global ferrite producer outside of China. We offer an extensive product line, specialize in product development, and ship to 20 countries on 5 continents. We have warehouse facilities and sale agents in Taiwan, Japan and Europe; extensive expertise in global JIT shipments; and are located near a major global port.

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